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Module No.

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Maximum ESG Rating

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Implementation Complexity

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Do your products contain any of the following materials?

Responsible sourcing of raw materials:

Business are expected to:

- Work with due diligence to know the origin of the raw materials used in their products.
- Do not knowingly supply products containing raw materials that contribute to human rights abuses, corruption and ethical violations or have a negative impact on the environment.
- Use validated smelters and refiners not involved in any conflict for the supply of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold contained in the products they manufacture.

In the IMDS (International Material Statistics System) you can consult which raw materials contain the products.

For more information on priority issues, producing countries and associated environmental, social and governance issues, see the Material Change report.

Does your business have a policy on responsible sourcing of raw materials?
• Aluminum/Bauxite Cobalt
• Copper
• Glass (silica sand) Gold
• Graphite (natural)
• Lithium,
• Leather
• Mica
• Nickel
• Palladium
• Rare Earths Rubber
• Steel/Iron Tantalum
• Tin Tungsten
• Zinc

Does your manufacturing business have an Information Model on illegal mineral extraction for business?
Example of legislation relating to "illegal extraction of minerals":

Consumer Protection and Wall Street Reform Act, U.S. federal law The Dodd-Frank Act requires U.S. publicly traded business or U.S. business of a certain size reporting the use of so-called illegally extracted minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten or gold from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring states).

Business at risk of using illegally extracted minerals should exercise due diligence in sourcing and submit a report on such minerals.

EU Directive on Illegally Extracted Minerals Directive requires large interest entities public with more than 500 employees disclose the applicable information of its annual report on: policies, results and risks, including the due diligence they have performed, non-financial key performance indicators, environmental aspects, social and employee issues, respect for human rights and related situations to the fight against corruption and bribery.

Examples of mineral information models of illegal extraction:

(1) Information model for illegal mineral extraction:
this model has been developed by RMI to facilitate the transfer of information through the supply chain on the country of origin of the minerals and the smelters and refiners used.

(2) Cobalt Information Model: This model has been developed by the RMI to identify choke points and gather due diligence information in the cobalt supply chain.

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